IBrowserManager |
Provides methods and members to launch, manage, access and destroy a web browser instance. At mininum, implementations must configure connecting to the CDP endpoint of the browser and pre-startup and post-destroy cleanup.
ICdpAdapter |
Creates the ChromeSession for existing CDP client WS endpoint, then manages its lifetime. Tunnels the incoming CDP events and executes outgoing CDP commands.
IContext |
Represents a browsing context, the environment in which the browser displays a Document.
IContextFactory |
Facilitates 1-1-1 mapping between iFrame-Execution context-IContext.
IContextManager |
Maintains and provides interface to the up-to-date data structure representing the execution contexts on the page.
IElement |
Provides methods and members to interact with an HTML element on the page.
IElementFactory |
Dependency inversion vehicle for Gripper.WebClient.Element implementations.
IWebClient |
Enables interaction with the hooked web browser window.